Hidden pitch

“Hidden: Animals in the Anthropocene” is an interactive-PDF created for We Animals Media to use for funding the book project. It is designed as letter-sized so that it can easily be read on a screen, printed, and sent as an email attachment.

I have been investigating this PDF form as an ideal “low friction” method of sending work. This simple interactive-PDF can contain links to websites and—most importantly—launch an email client for sending a reply to We Animals directly.

The example above shows sample of the total 37 pages, which kept the file below 5 megs for easy emailing.

Also for this project, we developed a quick graphic design guide (below) for the staff at We Animals to keep the branding on the project consistent for social media and other out-reach. A simple item, but very helpful.

Client: We Animals Media
Role: Art direction and design (and, eventually same for the book).

HIDDEN Branding Guide_2020-04-02.jpg